Plates aluplate with an interchangeable sheet

Good Information boards for the office can make your work place special. Thats why we produce plates in many variants. Different shapes and colors of office name plates and office door signs allow you to choose prfectly matching design for your office. We have Engraved, painted, flat and convex plates so we are sure you will find something that will interest you. If you have meeting room in you company we have special conference room signs. We put a lot of work into every office plate for door plate to make sure you will be satisfied with the purchase. For example if you are looking for transparent plates, you will find in our offer plexiglas plates on stell distances or glass door sign. But we also have metalic designs for office information boards. But maby you need descriptive tablets for greeting cards or advertising singboards? No problem we got them! Our plates could be used as interior office foor signs but also they can be used outside because they are 100% resistant to weather conditions. What is more, we always have sales for some of our door plates.
ALUPLATE SYSTEM is an economic and very elegant way of passing information. The plate consists of two layers of acrylic glass connected with system profiles in color of sliver anode or golden anode. You can fasten the plate to the wall vertically or horizontally , as you wish.The adhesive tape is already on the plate. You just need to glue it into the wall. To change the sheet in the plate , just pull slightly the first layer of acrylic glass. What's printed on the sheet - that's up to you. Easy, fast and economic change of the graphics on your own ( You can print it using every inkjet or laser printer) without expensive service of external companies . Especially useful if there's a lot of people working at the workplace.
We propose printing on a
frosted carbonpaper / frozen glass / sandblasted foil. Sheet A4 - 30 pieces .
Sheet A4 - 30 pieces . The price :18 eur15 eur
SIZE (mm)
PRICE FOR 1 piece
PLATE A4 297*210
22,5 eur/psc.15 eur/psc.
TAB. A5 210 x 148
15 eur/psc.10,5 eur/psc.
TAB. A6 148 x 105
18 eur/psc.12 eur/psc.
TAB. 300 x 100
12 eur/psc.7,5 eur/psc.
TAB. 200 x 50
49,5 eur/psc.37,5 eur/psc.
TAB. 200 x 50
39 eur/psc.28,5 eur/psc.
TAB. 1000 x 200
82,5 eur/psc.67,5 eur/psc.
Additional information
25 pieces 5% discount 50 pieces 10% discount
Montage  using double-sided adhesive tape .
DHL courier delivery =5 EUR/1kg

Plates , Signboards , Informative plates HI-TECH with an interchangeable sheet

HI-TECH SYSTEM is an international system of visual information. Simple construction  and elegant look at the same time. Approved all over the world and usually promoted by architects. The plate consists of two layers of an acrylic glass fastened to the wall with fastenings. The fastenings are very important elements and they have to be of a good quality . Our fastenings are made of steel ( not metal , not corian, not plastics) and every fastening has a stretching pin . Easy, fast and economic change of the graphics on your own ( You can print it using every inkjet or laser printer) without expensive service of external companies . Especially useful if there's a lot of people working at the workplace. *SIGNBOARDS , PANELS
One layer of an acrylic glass.
The graphics printed from below + frosting with frosted foil + steel fastenings.
We propose printing on a
frosted carbonpaper / frozen glass / sandblasted foil. - Sheet A4 - 30 pieces .
Sheet A4 - 30 pieces . The price: 15 eur13,5eur
S s
SIZE (mm)
price for 1  piece.
TAB. A3 400 x 300
57 eur/psc.52,5 eur/psc.
TAB. A4 300 x 200
27 eur/psc22,5 eur/psc
TAB. A4 300 x 200
34,5 eur/psc30 eur/psc
TAB. A5 200 x 150
18 eur/psc15 eur/psc
TAB. A5 200 x 150
27 eur/psc22,5 eur/psc
TAB. A6 150 x 100
13,5 eur/psc9 eur/psc
TAB. 200 x 200
21 eur/psc16,5 eur/psc
TAB. 200 x 100
15 eur/psc12 eur/psc
TAB. 200 x 70
on desk
15 eur/psc12 eur/psc
SIGNBOARD 600x400*

(1 layer + overprint)

165 eur/psc135 eur/psc
SIGNBOARD 500x300*

(1 layer + overprint)

120 eur/psc105 eur/psc
SIGNBOARD 200x200*

(1 layer + overprint)

30 eur/psc22,5 eur/psc
SIGNBOARD 700x120*
to an informative plate.

(1 layer + overprint)

72 eur/psc22,5 eur/psc
PANEL 700 x 80 *
to an informative plate.

(1 layer + overprint)

57 eur/psc52,5 eur/psc
additional info
25 pieces 5% discount 50 pieces 10% discount
Montage using  the steel fastenings with  stretching pins.
DHL courier delivery =5 EUR/1kg

Plates SATIN ELIPSE with an interchangeable sheet

Plates built on an aluminium profile in color of golden anode or silver anode. Convex or eliptical form. Easy, fast and economic change of the graphics on your own ( You can print it using every inkjet or laser printer) without expensive service of external companies . Especially useful if there's a lot of people working at the workplace.
We propose printing on a
frosted carbonpaper / frozen glass / sandblasted foil. - Sheet A4 - 30 pieces .
Sheet A4 - 30 pieces . The price : 18 eur13,5 eur
SIZE (mm)
TAB. A4 300 x 200
27 eur/psc22,5 eur/psc
TAB. A5 200 x 150
18 eur/psc13,5 eur/psc
TAB. 150 x 150
18 eur/psc13,5 eur/psc
TAB. A6 150 x 100
19,5 eur/psc12 eur/psc
25 pieces 5% discount 50 pieces 10% discount
Montage using double-sided adhesive tape .
DHL courier delivery =5 EUR/1kg



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  • receipt with a number of a bank account
  • After an affirmation of your payment, we send you the products up to 3 days

Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przetworzenia zapytania. Twoje dane osobowe przetwarzane są zgodnie z naszą Polityką ochrony danych osobowych. Przysługuje Ci szereg praw w tym prawo dostępu do swoich danych, możliwości ich poprawiania, żądania zaprzestania ich przetwarzania. Uzupełniając formularz kontaktu oraz akceptując wysłanie zapytania świadomie i dobrowolnie wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych), oraz polskim przepisami w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych.


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ul. Improwizacji 5
tel. +48 501 130 410